Writing. Making Apps.
To the glory of God.
I am passionate about equipping the church to better love and glorify God. I write and teach on theology and discipleship, and I develop software for the church.
Writing & Teaching
I write and teach on topics around discipleship and theology, especially family discipleship. I believe that every believing home should be "a little church" as Jonathan Edwards put it, and as a father of two young children, I spend a lot of time thinking and reading on how best to lead my family. Follow along to join me on the journey.
Review: Life in the Negative World
★★★★☆ In Life in the Negative World, Aaron Renn provides a guide for evangelical Christians living in a society that sees Christianity negatively by default. All American Christians would benefit from reading and discussing this book.
Review: People of the Screen
★★★★★ John Dyer’s book People of the Screen offers a number of helpful insights into behavioral trends of evangelical Bible readers, specifically with regard to digital forms of Bible engagement. This book should be of interest to many Christians, but it will particularly be of interest to Christians whose work involves creating digital forms of Bible engagement. As a Bible software developer, this is the most important book I have ever read with regard to my work.
In Luke 24:27 Jesus walks his disciples through the entire Old Testament, showing them ways that it was ultimately pointing to him. Here we explore ways in which the story of David and Mephibosheth (2 Sam 9) points us to Christ.
What I'm Reading
Westminster Confession
Thinking Like Your Editor
Software Development
Professionally I've worked on apps for the ESV Bible, New City Catechism, Accordance, and Prayermate. On my own time I've created reader apps for the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament, a Bible memory app, and reference apps for church creeds, confessions, and catechisms. I also run the Christian Developers Network, maintain Christian Projects on Github, and publish articles on software development.
Theological Foundations of Software Development
Software development is one of the newest and fastest growing forms of work, with no sign of that growth slowing down. Here are seven principles that can serve as a theological foundation for software development.
January 24, 2022
Apps I've Worked On
I have had the incredible blessing of working professionally as a software developer on apps that directly benefit the people of God: the ESV Bible, New City Catechism, Accordance Bible Software, and Prayermate.
Visit the Mobile Apps page to see apps that I have worked on individually.
Christian Developers Network
In 2022 I founded the Christian Developers Network, a professional network created to help Christian software developers connect, provide encouragement, discover hiring opportunities and candidates, and share open source projects and tools.
The network includes developers employed at Crossway, Subsplash, YouVersion, Logos, Accordance, OliveTree, BlueLetterBible, PrayerMate, and several other companies. If you are a Christian and a software developer, please reach out to me for an invitation. All communication is hosted in our Slack workspace.